Grant Bell was driving along with some friends when they saw a car coming
towards them on the other side of the road. What they did not see until too late were
two other cars racing alongside it - with no lights and on the wrong side. One
crashed into him and he was killed on spot. The driver of that car fled the scene.
5 Normally the penalty for such a commission is 204 hours' community service and a
five-year driving ban.
In many hundreds of cases where death results from irresponsible behavior at
the wheel of a car, the blame is much less severe than killing with any other weapon -
gun, knife, or even bare hands - in which case the killer would have been charged
10 with and convicted of murder or manslaughter. And the maximum penalty is life
imprisonment. When the weapon is a car, however, these horrible acts of violence
go virtually unpunished.
Because recklessness is diffecult to prove in court, many cases of causing
death by reckless driving are charged simply as "careless driving," for which the
15 maximum fine £1,000. Even on those increasingly rare occasions when the corrcet
charge is brought, sentences are frequently derisory. Of the 111 drivers sentenced
to prison in England last year for causing death or bodily harm by reckless driving,
more than half recieved sentences of less than a year. Often the Only penalty is a
normal fine - rarely more than £450 - and a driving ban.
The writer states that .