Extract 5
Improving your home or just keeping it in a good stat of repair can be
an expensive business. When your home needs repairs, you have to be
careful about whom you choose to do the work.
Certain types of home improvement are oftn sold by doorstep
5 salesmen. Many behaveresponsibly, but there are some rogues too.
Some pretend to be researchers or 'energy consultants' and so on, in
order to get inside your front door. it's only when they are inside that
you find out that they want to sell something! Ask for some kind of
identification and don't let anyone in until you know tho they represent.
10 Some salesmen may try to insist that you mak a quick decision
to sign a legally binding contract. They may mislead you into thinking
you can always cancel and back out later when in fact you can't. You
may be offered a discont to tempt you to sign on the spot without
checking on what other firms would charge.
15 Be on your guard! Don't feel obliged to buy anything you don't
really want. If you are interested, get written details and a price from
the salesman and compare it with other firms' estimates. And make
sure you get the name and address of the salesman's head office in
writing - certainly before you part with any money.
It can be concluded that when improving their houses, homeowners should .